Why do I need a stove pipe thermometer?

Why do I need a Stove Pipe Thermometer?

A stove pipe thermometer is commonly attached magnetically to the stove pipe coming off the

Stove pipe thermometer
Thermometer attached to pipe

top of the stove (not suitable for stainless steel flues).  This clever little dial indicates the approximate temperature of the flue gases leaving the stove.  It indicates the ‘Optimum Burn Range’ to allow the stove to be burnt efficiently.

At lower temperatures, creosote and tar will form, whilst higher temperatures reduce efficiency and life expectancy of the firebricks/chamber linings.

Stove pipe thermometer
Stove pipe thermometer

Whilst purists might think it visually clutters a minimal setting, inexperienced stove users would certainly benefit from one.

An alternative version is offered for installations where the stove pipe is not available for built in stoves.  The dial can be fixed to the stove body, and it has been calibrated accordingly.

J DAY STONEWORKS EXPERTS RATING – 4/5 Useful for most stove owners

Do I need heat proof gloves?

Heat proof gloves

Often included with most new stoves, heatproof gloves are

Heat proof gloves
Heat proof gloves

essential for opening the door to your stove when in use and regulating the controls of the stove.

Heatproof gloves can also help when loading the logs into the burn chamber, allowing them to be placed rather than thrown in which can be dangerous.

Heat proof gloves
Heat proof gloves

Don’t be tempted to use oven gloves instead of proper stove gloves – your stove gets much hotter than an oven! With many modern stoves operating at 400 degrees the heat can be twice that of your gas oven.

Heatproof gloves designed for stoves are often gauntlets, longer than regular gloves to protect your arms. If your stove didn’t come with a glove or you need to replace one, pop into the showroom to see our range.

J DAY STONEWORKS EXPERTS RATING – 5/5 Essential for most stoves.

Why do I need a carbon monoxide alarm?

Carbon monoxide alarm

Why do I need a carbon monoxide alarm?

Required by law since 2010, a carbon monoxide alarm (CO) must be fitted within guidelines laid out in Document J of the Building Regulations.

For older installations it would be highly recommended if only for piece of mind.  CO is produced when burning oil, gas, wood or coal, and can build up if the flue is not clear or the room is inadequately ventilated.

Combo Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Combination Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarm

Carbon Monoxide is not detectable by smell or taste and an alarm is the only reliable way of detection.  CO exposure can cause tension type headaches, dizziness, tiredness and confusion, stomach pain, breathing difficulties and ultimately death.

J DAY STONEWORKS EXPERTS RATING – 5/5 Essential for all stoves.

Don’t have one yet?  Get one.

Why do I need stove glass cleaner?

stove glass cleaner

Why do I need stove glass cleaner?

How clean the glass stays on your stove will depend on a wide range of factors, what experience tells us however, is sooner or later you will need to clean it.

We sell sprays, gels and dry wipe pads to make this chore less arduous, depending on model of stove and the severity of the dirt build up.

glass-cleaner-2For day to day maintenance use J Day Stonework’s top glass cleaning tip – when the stove is cold, dip damp screwed up newspaper into the ashes of a wood fire and use the ashes to rub the surface of the glass.

J DAY STONEWORKS EXPERTS RATING – 5/5 Essential for most stoves

If your stove has constantly blackened glass you may benefit from asking for help on burning techniques, pop in to the yard to see us, we’re happy to help.

The type of wood you burn and the temperature you burn your stove at will make a big difference to the speed in which dirt on your stove glass builds up.  Generally, burning your stove at maximum temperature will keep the glass clean, leaving it on low for long periods (overnight for example) will quickly soot up the glass.

Why do I need a stove fan?


A stove fan is a heat powered fan that helps to distribute the stoves heat more evenly in the room.  Particularly useful when the stove is not centrally located, it helps to move the warm air around to achieve a comfortable room temperature more quickly and evenly.  Can make the stove look cluttered, and they cannot be used on some modern convector type stoves.

A good quality stove fan will circulate warm air around a wide area using energy generated by your stove heat. The fan speed will vary depending on the temperature of your stove, but it should operate very quietly.

J DAY STONEWORKS EXPERTS RATING – 3/5  Individual circumstances dictate how much benefit will be derived from these devices, but improves heating efficiency in most cases.